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Thomas Sperrfechter parsionate


Thomas Sperrfechter parsionate

Thomas Sperrfechter parsionate

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Press releases

parsionate successfully completes MBO and funding round

Press release May 26, 2017
As part of a management buyout, parsionate’s management team and two commercial investors acquired RS Media Group AG’s shares of the Stuttgart-based Omnichannel expert.

Österreich - parsionate schließt Management-Buy-out und Finanzierungsrunde erfolgreich ab

Press release May 26, 2017
Im Rahmen eines Management-Buy-out übernahmen Führungskräfte des Unternehmens sowie zwei gewerbliche Investoren die bisher von der RS Media Group AG gehaltenen Anteile am Stuttgarter Omnichannel-Spezialisten.

France - parsionate successfully completes MBO and funding round

Press release May 26, 2017
As part of a management buyout, parsionate’s management team and two commercial investors acquired RS Media Group AG’s shares of the Stuttgart-based Omnichannel expert.

Belgium - parsionate successfully completes MBO and funding round

Press release May 26, 2017
As part of a management buyout, parsionate’s management team and two commercial investors acquired RS Media Group AG’s shares of the Stuttgart-based Omnichannel expert.

Switzerland - parsionate successfully completes MBO and funding round

Press release May 26, 2017
As part of a management buyout, parsionate’s management team and two commercial investors acquired RS Media Group AG’s shares of the Stuttgart-based Omnichannel expert.