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BOOKVAULT Platform—the Powerhouse for Self-Publishing from Printondemand-worldwide

Press release April 6, 2022
Print and Publishing Innovators Printondemand-worldwide (PODWWW) are launching a refreshed BookVAULT, a complete online publishing solution for the self-publishing and SME market. The new iteration of BookVAULT – - is accessible, easy to use and rich with features from self-management of listings to print on demand, fulfilment of orders and distribution.

Jubilee Milestone Celebrating 25 Years of Astute Vision and Investment in Future Publishing

Press release February 25, 2020
POD Logo 25YEARS Black Text Pioneering printer, publisher, distributor and online retail Bookshop Printondemand – worldwide celebrates with groundbreaking techniques, innovations, efficiencies and quality print production.