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ECCO FEI World Championships 2022 Denmark: Genuine horsepower

Press release August 14, 2022 Herning2022

Organisers and partners behind the ECCO FEI World Championships in Herning, Denmark can look back a championship with an elevated sporting level, Danish medals, and happy guests from all over the world.

Uebersicht, Overview, Flutlicht, Floodlight SL 1139 012 693
Stutteri Ask Stadium. Photo: Herning2022/Stefan Lafrantz

The last equipage has just left the field, and the organisers and partners behind the event can look back on a week of top-shelf equestrian sports, a historic number of Danish medals, and thousands of happy visitors who have had an exceptional experience at the ECCO FEI World Championships, Herning this week. The event was large and complex with massive collaboration from all involved. Genuine horsepower was used. The Danish athletes wrote themselves into the history books, when they sensationally, became the most winning nation ahead of The Netherlands, France, Great Britain, and Germany.

HRH Princess Benedikte, patron of ECCO FEI World Championships Herning

“A magnificent event, and sporting wise, it has been terrific. It does not diminish the joy that we, as Danes, have won many medals. For the sake of the sport, this is a gift. It has been incredibly well-organized world championships. Everything has come together due to the management and the hundreds of volunteers.”

FEI, president, Ingmar de Vos

“We have experienced two weeks of incredible sport in four disciplines at the ECCO FEI World Championships 2022, where the level of Event management from the Organising Committee in Herning has been nothing short of impressive.

The atmosphere in the stadium has been electric and the fans who came in large numbers to support their heroes, have played a starring role in the Herning2022 story.

These multi-disciplinary World Championships have demonstrated that a cost-effective and sustainable Event can be successfully staged when every effort is made to bring National Federations, governments, host cities and local communities into the process. The Organisers have worked hard to create a far reaching legacy for these World Championships, and have definitely put Herning on the map.”

Herning 2022, organisers, Jens Trabjerg and Casper Cassøe

“We had a dream that people would think it was great to be in Herning. That the riders experienced we had done something extra for them and their horses. And many have expressed just that. I am happy and proud that we have created a set-up where riders and horses in all 4 disciplines have given us the most insane, beautiful sport. Our ideas have proven correct, and I have experienced great satisfaction with the event from representatives of many nations that were happy to be part of Herning2022. Their feedback was especially on our skilled and smiling volunteers. In addition to all the work they have done for us, and they really worked hard. They deserve a gigantic thanks for our guests that experience.

The sporting event was world-class, and the professional help from FEI, Sport Event Denmark, Herning Municipality, and the Danish Equestrian Federation was invaluable to the event.”

Danish Equestrian Federation, president, Ulf Helgstrand

“It can be hard to keep cool when close to 4 years of preparations end with a huge success. It is proof that you can achieve great things if you think big. The execution of the event is being praised internationally, and when we then also achieve top results, including several medals on home ground, everything just comes together perfectly. Also, I am thrilled that non-elite riders have been able to participate and have their own once-in-a-lifetime experience in connection with the World Championships. Through the last year, D- and E-level riders have competed across disciplines in our big team tournament in the hopes of qualifying for the grand finale in Herning, and what a pleasure it has been to witness.”

Sport Event Denmark, CEO, Lars Lundov

“WOW is probably the most comprehensive word. The Equestrian World Championships offered perhaps the most extensive, detail-oriented, and professional event set up to date at a championship in Denmark. Simply world-class event craftsmanship and a big thank you to everyone who worked hard to create these fantastic settings. Add the historic Danish medal rain in both dressage, para-dressage, and vaulting. There has thus been a sport at the highest level, full houses, and massive live TV coverage”

The Municipality of Herning, Mayor, Dorthe West

“In Herning Municipality, we are extremely proud to have hosted the world championships in four of the equestrian disciplines, where three of them even are on the Olympic programme. To host a WC of this size is not commonplace for a small country like Denmark. And with all the Danish medals in gold, silver, and bronze, it has been beyond all expectations.”

“Sustainability is an important agenda in Herning Municipality, so therefore I am especially happy that it has been possible to hold a WC with lots of sustainable initiatives and climate-friendly solutions, so the CO2 emissions are compensated. For example, in Herning Municipality we have got the World Championships Forest, which will be a living and growing legacy from this WC. The forest will become an area for the inhabitants of Herning, and it will both increase biodiversity and fixate large amounts of CO2. The extremely high level of ambition concerning green initiatives behind the WC is a fantastic example that Herning as an event city is Big enough to matter - small enough to care."


Herning Denmark August 6-14, 2022

Disciplines: Dressage, jumping, Para Dressage, and Vaulting

950 riders and vaulters

1.200 horses from 50 nations

Besides the world-class equestrian performances, the organisation behind Herning2022 created a welcoming, exciting and fun event space for guests of all ages - to ensure the best possible experience when visiting the World Championship.

Herning2022 created a new benchmark for sustainability at major sports events. The staging was based on three principles: Seek positive ripple effects, think circular, and engage all suppliers in a dialogue on sustainability. A lot of things were set in motion, and the organisers encourage future equestrian events to pick up and create even more positive impacts.


Jens Trabjerg

ECCO FEI World Championships Herning 2022
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Casper Cassøe (left) and Jens Trabjerg. Photo: herning2022/Kasper Kamuk
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Uebersicht, Overview, Flutlicht, Floodlight SL 1139 012 693
Stutteri Ask Stadium. Photo: Herning2022/Stefan Lafrantz
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