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Is Studying a Mini MBA a Good Investment?

Pressemeddelelse maj 18, 2016 Business Leadership Strategy Corporate Skill Education Organisation MiniMBA Learning Mba Development Course Training Competence

For the majority of successful business professionals, an Executive Programme is now an accepted and expected part of the career path. Associate Dean at London Business School (LBS) states that “the days when learning stopped in your 20s, 30s or even 40s are a thing of the past”.

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An MBA demands a high level of time commitment as well as a large amount of money. Therefore, it can be difficult for business professionals with a busy schedule to make time to complete an education. This is the reason why Mini MBAs have gained great success. They allow you to complete your studies without compromising your performance at work. You are in control of the education simply because you know best when, where and how you want to study.

Vast Return on Investment
The majority of MBA programmes are extremely expensive. However, a survey conducted by the Graduate Management Admissions Council found that graduates of MBA programmes recoup one third of the cost of their studies within a year of graduation, and the degree had paid for itself within four years. These numbers are based on highly expensive MBA programmes, so imagine how quickly a Mini MBA at a far lower price will pay for itself.

Gain a Wide International Network
According to Phil Dunne, partner at AT Kearney, Executive Programmes are not just about what you learn, but the people you meet. The Mini MBA offers the opportunity to interact with business professionals from all over the world. Consequently, you can draw on their expertise and network – something that will be very helpful throughout your career.

Makes You More Marketable
The Mini MBA goes beyond just teaching the business basics. It provides you with a holistic understanding of business, transforms your thinking and your career by giving you the global business skills needed to operate successfully anywhere in the world. Thereby, both your résumé and business knowledge will be strengthened.

All in all, quicker career acceleration and a network of business professionals from all over the world are an investment for life.

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Business Leadership Strategy Corporate Skill Education Organisation MiniMBA Learning Mba Development Course Training Competence